tds2021 TEATRO DEL SILENZIO 2021ANDREA BOCELLIin"IL MISTERO DELLA BELLEZZA" Regia di Alberto BartaliniDirettore d'Orchestra Steven Mercurio 22 e 24 LUGLIO ORE 20.30 Il 22 e il 24 luglio 2021 si è rinnovato l’appuntamento internazionale con il celebre concerto-evento che trasforma la campagna di Lajatico, terra natale di Andrea Bocelli, nella capitale ...
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TEATRO DEL SILENZIO 2018ANDREA BOCELLIin"ANDREA CHÉNIER" Directed by Stefano Trespidi Conductor Steven Mercurio 28th and 30th of JULY at 20.15 The thirteenth edition of the Teatro del Silenzio, the exclusive event that every year comes to life on the native hills of Maestro Bocelli in Lajatico in the province of Pisa, this ...
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Doors opening time: tbd Show starting time: 8.30 pm TICKET OFFICE – Strada provinciale 45, n ° 10, La Sterza, Lajatico. (Next to the Officine Bocelli) BOX OFFICE HOURS tbd WE WOULD LIKE TO REMIND YOU THAT IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR INJURED For security reasons and to protect physical integrity, ...
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We are pleased to announce the new version of our website which, as you can see, presents itself with a completely new graphic and a sunny and lively layout, full of colors and images ...
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